Thursday, October 25, 2007

Alanis Morissette, Alexi Murdoch, Alice freakin Cooper

So yes, back in the day I was a proud owner of Jagged Little Pill, Alanis's angry third (third? what? who knew) album. I channeled my 5th grade angst into this listening adventure, and felt pretty cool to own an album that had both "fuck" and "shit" in its lyrics.

Anywho, my love for Alanis has since passed. She is a great example of 90s music and I think she probably served a lot of other pre-teens pretty well in their pseudo-angst. I don't know how actual real people (ie. those who spent their time doing things other than prank calling older boys and marrying the cat) felt about her at the time.

I still kind of like her (for some reason in a kind of guilty pleasure way). But I only have two of her songs: Right Through You and Head Over Feet (both on JLP). I don't know why I only have these two. RTY isn't particularly great and there are other songs I definitely like better. HOF though, I have always enjoyed. I think I'm going to delete Right Through You, but instead download some others (hello, You Learn, great song). I might even go so far as to look into her other later albums (probably the singles, but not Thank U, that was goofy and the U thing has been doooooone).

I don't think I have the patience to explore her early stuff. Besides, they were released only in Canada.

Facts: She is Canadian. She guest-starred on Nip/Tuck, and if anyone does that, they are a-one in my book. She was also on Curb... as herself and she told Larry David who You Ought to Know is about (Dave Coulier? Anyone?)
Alexi Murdoch is represented by one track in my library and the only reason for this is that he was on the Garden State soundtrack (but unlike I am Sam I do not have the entire album). This song, Orange Sky, is boring and I always skip it when it pops up on shuffle, so I'm deleting it without looking back.
Alice Cooper! Alice Cooper! Alice Cooper? Okay, so we all know, especially after his recent foray into mainstream radio programming that Alice (freakin) Cooper is a pretty weird guy. He has been rocking and rolling since forever, and he definitely likes his theatrics. I don't think he's a particularly talented singer or guitar player, but he knows how to put on a show and for crying out loud he is a MAN named ALICE.

I have two of his songs: School's Out and No More Mister Nice Guy. School's out is something you probably all know and love. I mean, you better love it. It's a great rock anthem and even for those of us no longer in school, it makes me feel like I'm on vacation. Also, it's in the movie Scream.

No More Mister Nice Guy is your typical rock song about a sensitive badass who is having a tough time in this society that just doesn't appreciate his badass self. We live in a goody two shoes world, and this piece is an accurate and accessible account of the struggles people face when they don't fit that mold.

Fact: He guest starred on both The Muppet Show and Monk (worst show everrrrr).

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