Thursday, October 18, 2007

Aesop Rock

Aesop Rock. Did not know til I looked it up, but Aesop Rock is actually one guy by the name of Ian Mattias Bavitz who was one of the early underground hip-hop artists of the late 90s.

I like him for a bunch of reasons. His voice his voice his voice his voice. Very deep, unique, flows smoothly over his rhymes, while maintaining his grit. And the grit is good, as he covers issues that range from youth violence to love/loss to the pursuit of one's dreams.

And his lyrics! Thought-provoking and expressive. Stream of consciousness is really what I would call it because he takes few, if any, breaks in his rhyming flow. I would say that he is more about the lyrics than the beats (although the beats are solid). His tracks are, in general, quite verbose.

He's got 5 albums out, as well as this all-instrumental album he did for Nike that's basically one long track.


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