Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Al Green

I mean, how can you not like Al Green? He's like, oh, I don't know, a classic pair of jeans or a good gin and tonic. I mean, it just always feels right. Classic R&B (I know nothng about his gospel career), amazing vocalist.

I have to admit before we go any further that I only have The Supreme Al Green: Greatest Hits, and I know some people have problems with compilation CDs (what with the fact that albums can/should/maybe be entire works of art in and of themselves), but a retrospective can also be a great thing, and can serve as training wheels for an artist you're not quite sure about yet.

So, me having these greatest hits and listening to the album has made me want to go explore his other, lesser known works, but still probably not the gospel.

I do have to say that I loathe the song "Take Me To the River." This statement has been met with shock and scorn, but in my defense, my dad has one of those singing fish (what was his name...Billy Bass!) that croons this track, and it's burned into my brain with bad bad baaaaad associations.

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