Thursday, October 18, 2007

AC/DC, Ace of Base

AC/DC. I only have 5 songs by these fellows. People are probably pretty much familiar with their work. I guess some considered them to be at the forefront of heavy metal, but I have to say that their stuff doesn't sound quite so heavy to me. Anyway, according to Wikipedia, they see themselves as pretty much straight up rock, which seems more correct to be.

DID you know: AC/DC does not stand for AntiChrist/Devil Child nor does it imply any kind of bisexuality (well, not to the band members at least). It stands for Alternating Current/Direct Current and Angus Young saw it on the back of his sister's sewing machine.

I like the song "Back in Black" a lot. It's very catchy, with a sweet hook. Their songs are usually very very guitar driven with little or no subtleties to be found, but I think that's what is so appealing about them. I also really like the song Big Balls. It has pretty much no musical value or anything really interesting, but the lyrics give me a laugh. I just realized I don't have the song "For Those About to Rock We Salute You" and that makes me a little bit upset - I think I'm going to get it.

BUT I'm going to delete "Stiff Upper Lip," and maybe one or two others.


Ace of Base. Only one song here, "The Sign" clearly. Even though this was one of the first albums I ever got (on casette, duh), I really don't like this song very much. Yes, it's kind of fun when you hear it in a bar or when you're with the girls and everyone sings along, but seriously, I will never listen to this song on my own. Delete.

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