Saturday, November 3, 2007

Apollo Sunshine, Aquabats

Apollo Sunshine is a bouncy alt pop band from Northampton (rep) who I sort of fell into liking when maybe I was using ourTunes and just grabbing bands whose names caught my attention. I have their first album, Katonah, which is pretty good, nice to do housework and chores too because they keep things interesting. They recently came out with a self-titled album, which I may have to check out, just cause I happen to enjoy their first one so much. I don't know if I enjoyed it enough to actualy PAY for another one though...hmm, things to ponder.
The Aquabats(!) are a rock n ska band that I kind of figured were your typical 90's ska band, you know, couple albums, bit of a following, probably not doing much of anything anymore. Come to find out, these guys are kind of the shit. So yeah, they're pretty tight. Well, what I know of them is. They've got about 4 or 5 albums out, and the one I have (The Fury of the Aquabats!) is a full and brassy healthy mix of rock n roll n ska. Plus, their lyrics can be pretty funny at times.

BUT the awesome thing about the Aquabats is that they are also SUPERHEROS! Seriously. Supposedly they're from the planet Aquabania. The vocalist (The MC Bat Commander) and bassist (Crash McLarson) are the only two consistent members, with other musicians rotating in and out (including Travis Barker - The Baron von Tito - of Blink 182 fame). Most of their appeal (for me at least, especially now) is due to the fact that their history is shrouded in all this mythology, from their battles with Space Monster M, to their sick costumes, which include radioactive rash guards, power belts, and anti-negativity helmets. I'm not sure if I'll go after any of their other albums, but I am sorely tempted to join their fanclub, the Aquadets.

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