Saturday, January 22, 2011


Thanks to the random soul who commented on this blog sometime in the past hour - my email reminded me that this thing ever existed and that it is actually kind of a worthwhile project to pick up again. NOW. Here's how we got started (mission statement found in the bowels of my iBook):

The decision to do this was prompted by my thinking about how good it feels to delete chunks of music from my library. I have a lot of music, but there's a bunch I don't listen to. Maybe someone told me I would like it and I never got around to giving it a go. Or maybe I even picked it myself. Or I heard one track from an album or artist, didn't dig it and just scrapped it altogether but it turns out that one song wasn't representative of their style, or my tastes have evolved or changed or I was just in a crappy mood that day. Regardless, now I am making a point to sit down and give my library a thorough examination (in alphabetical order, of course).

In summary: listen, critique, associate, keep/not. Here we go (again).

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